Start a Society
You've checked out the existing Societies, but you feel like there's something missing. Are you looking to create your own student society?
To begin your own LSS Society, complete the following steps:
Assemble a Team.
Gather an executive team of at least 3 members, including a President (or Co-Presidents) and Treasurer/Vice President Finance.
Register your Society.
Register your society with the LSS with contact information, society description/mandate, and social media/promotional items. (NOTE: Society Registration is currently closed for the 2023-2024 Academic year)
Ratify your Society.
Ratify your society with the Dalhousie Student Union here: http://dsu.ca/ratify.
Let us know.
Inform the LSS VP Student Life at vpstudentlife@dallss.com when DSU ratification is confirmed.
After the process is complete, you will be eligible to use LSS table bookings, apply to LSS funding, and access LSS resources. Your society's information will also be listed in the LSS society registry.
Please contact the VP Student Life at vpstudentlife@dallss.com if you have any questions.