The Annual General Meeting of the Law Students' Society takes place yearly in late March/early April to appoint the newly-elected Executive, approve any motions requiring approval by members (such as constitutional amendments), and review year-end reports by the Executive team. There is also pizza!
The 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held at a time and location that is TBD closer to the event. The meeting package will be released at that time.
It is important for attendance to meet quorum of 30 students, in order to successfully vote on motions. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please complete a proxy form and send it with a friend who will be in attendance
In the interest of transparency to its constituents, the Law Students' Society makes its important financial documents publicly available. These documents will be updated regularly.
If you have feedback, questions, or concerns about LSS spending and finances, contact the VP Finance at vpfinance@dallss.com or visit our Feedback page.