Law Students' Society Funding is available to individual law students and to student societies. Funding applications are reviewed by the VP Finance and/or the LSS Budget Committee.
The types of funding available are as follows:
Committee Funding: Applications for funding to support LSS Committee initiatives, projects, activities, etc. open for a set period in the Winter semester.
Society Funding: Applications for funding to support society initiatives, projects, activities, etc. open for a set period in the Winter semester. Societies must be registered LSS societies to be eligible.
Individual Conference Funding: Applications are accepted anytime for up to $150 towards the cost of attending law-related conferences, moots, or any other professional or academic development.
Application Forms:
Completed applications are to be submitted via email to the VP Finance to vpfinance@dallss.com or dropped off in the LSS Office in Weldon 340.
Should you have any questions about funding, please contact the VP Finance at vpfinance@dallss.com.